Email Marketing

Email Marketing, the best way to maintain social distancing.

Touch your customer’s lives from a distance.

It’s how we like to maintain a professional bond.

Sending out strategic messages to your customers via email is one of the most underrated digital marketing channels.

Non intrusive, often highly targeted and easily the best converting channel – if done in the right way.

How we market using an email

Our team that sends out emails has a protocol set in place. This is what they do!

  1. They grow an email list of your potential and existing customers
  2. A phase-wise approach is designed to email every buyer, window shopper and over-thinker
  3. These types of buyers are categorised under different stages of the customer journey
  4. A set of emails communicating creative messages are shot out strategically
  5. The time and day for emailing is also decided based on insights
  6. Results of the actions taken by customers on emails are recorded by the team, analysed and interpretations used for other marketing purposes.

Does email marketing really work?

So, there may be more than 20 promotional emails you aren’t opening on a daily basis. Unsubscribe! You may be their audience but they’re not as interesting.

It’s all in how you treat the email while sending it to your customers.

We’ll create more than just a few email-openers out there.

Ok, we’ll reveal a few ways:

  • Coupons are old school and that’s why it still works
  • Tips and how-to topics will make them want to know more
  • Who doesn’t love a free consultation?
  • … and there’s so much more.

We will keep a close check on the following three email marketing metrics

  • The deliverability rate that defines the number of emails that made it to your audience’s inbox.
  • The open rate showing the recipients who opened your email.
  • The click-through rate that provides a percentage of the subscribers who clicked a link on your email.

We have the best email marketing practices and our clients love the work we’ve done so far.

And we hope we get a chance to do the same with your business, brand or cause.


What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that leverages emails to connect with the target audience. Email marketing helps in promoting products and services, driving sales, building relationships and loyalty, and raising brand awareness. It’s a cost-effective online marketing approach with the highest ROI-driven results if done correctly through email marketing services.

Why should I hire email marketing services?

Email marketing is one of the best online marketing strategies for businesses to convert leads. Hiring email marketing services can ensure that any email marketing campaign carried out is done based on your business goals and aligns with the objectives. Also, when you hire email marketing experts, you have outsourced a team with the specialty to carry out marketing efforts on your behalf while you focus on more revenue-driven responsibilities.

Which industries have you done email marketing campaigns for?

We have worked on several email marketing campaigns, from the education services industry to the food industry, textiles, real estate, and so on.

Is email marketing more effective than social media marketing?

Social media marketing has evolved over the years and has helped advertise for brands successfully at an exponential rate. At the same time, email marketing has been and continues to be the preferred approach for online promotions. With its extensive user base across segmented age groups, it has a higher conversion rate than social media marketing can offer. Email marketing is 40 times more influential than social media outreach campaigns according to McKinsey.

What is the best method to improve my email list?

One of the most effective ways to improve email list building is by

  • Making online form sign ups easier on your website or landing page.
  • Create valuable content that your users can access after entering their email ID to access your PDF or article.
How many emails should I send to my target audience?

There’s no fixed number to define the number of times you can email your potential and existing customers. Just make sure that you are not annoying your customers by crowding their inbox every single day. You can identify the best number through trial and error by starting slow and then working your way up to increasing your email deliveries.

How much should I communicate in each email?

If you are worried about being too discreet or too verbose in your emails, you could use the mid-size approach. Don’t be too short, don’t be too long! Some emails containing 100 to 249 words get consistently high click rates (above 3.5%). Those below 99 words got a low click rate comparatively but they can still give a decent click rate. Whereas emails containing more than 500 words performed the worst (<1% click rate). But run your tests or hire our email marketing service agency to identify your email length for you.

What’s the best time to send an email to my customers?

Again, this depends on your target audience, their demographics, interests, purchasing behavior, location, industry, etc. However, from a generic perspective, the best time and day to send emails is between 10 am and 12 noon on weekdays. If you try sending emails on a weekend, send them on a Sunday night so that your audience reads them first thing in the morning.

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