3 Ways to Use Google Analytics to Find Content Leads

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The expertise of an SEO expert agency is only to the extent it truly understands the importance of content optimization. Most people view content or SEO marketing as a creative endeavour.

It’s not false, for you’d want a piece of content to be engaging for the readers. But, that’s not all that content marketing requires.

We also want to get results, i.e generate leads and sales.

The way to achieve results with highest impact in SEO marketing is, to use a data-driven approach.

How then one should use the data collected from Google Analytics in order to find content ideas that can produce amazing results?

Some of the best SEO companies in India will have the following three points to suggest:

Find Out What Your Visitors Are Actually Searching For

High-quality content that better answers search queries plays a vital role in making a business rank well in the SERPs. That’s the reason why we consider on-page content as the number one SEO tactic.

To find content ideas that would benefit you the most, having a search bar on your website helps a lot. Through the knowledge of Analytics- one can easily find the keywords that their audiences are looking for, each time users visit their site.

The greatest thing you will achieve through a report like this is – find potential gaps in your content.

What it means is, getting a hold of search terms that are related to your website – that your site visitors are looking for – but that your site does or doesn’t have a page for.

Let’s say you have an online pet shop, and some of the top keywords are “interactive pet toys,” “dog treats,” and so on. There you have three great phrases that your site could turn into content topics for a blog post, such as “How do Interactive Toys Help Develop Cognitive Functions in Dogs” or “How Many Treats a Day is Good For Your Pooch.”

The report on Search Terms can give you a much better idea than Google Ads’ Keyword Planner, on what your site visitors are actually looking for. Once you have your topic, you can start creating blog posts to either improve on existing content or create new posts to answer everything on that topic.

Refresh the Existing Outdated Content

Thinking you can convert every single visitor to your site would be wishful thinking. A primary reason why a part of your audience bounces is that your content has gone outdated. It’s high time, therefore, you refresh it.

Studies on SEO services India and abroad have shown how refreshing or recycling the existing content can increase the search traffic by over 40%. But, before you can get these results, you have to find out where your visitors are bouncing out of your website.

Analytics helps you figure out whether the new site visitors are in fact even reading the content you post and sticking around or not. Also, a Behavior Flow Report will show you whether the visitors engaging with your content are encouraged to convert or not.

Google Analytics comes in handy to show you any stagnant blog posts or other pieces of content that is attracting more audience. By adding new and relevant information, and inserting more interesting photos and trendy videos, amongst other things, you can turn your old posts into new, polished ones.

A Keyword Without it’s Intent is Hardly Any Use

Your content is only useful until it serves what your audience is looking for. Google wants businesses to provide value to their site visitors. So, it’s not enough to just find high ranking keywords to rank high in the SERPs.

Real value can only be provided if you know the intent behind these keywords that people search for. The content on your website shouldn’t just have a keyword, but it should match that keyword’s intent to make it more meaningful and hence, useful for a visitor.

It’s one very important piece of advice for anyone trying to draw in more organic search traffic toward their site.

To that purpose, an SEO expert in India is expected to be aware of the following 4 types of keyword intent:

  • Navigational-  If a user is searching for a particular website, such as “Amazon”;
  • Informational- If a user is searching for the answer to a specific question, such as “what do dogs eat”;
  • Investigational- If a user is searching for some information that could result in a transaction, such as “best dog food”;
  • And, Transactional- If a user is ready to buy a service or a product, such as “Chicken Jerky”

To discover what the intent of your site visitors is, you’ll need to see your Search Queries report.

It will contain the right kind of keywords for your business. So, let’s say, you have an e-commerce store. You would want most of the keywords to be either transactional or investigational.

But, if you find that the majority of the questions bringing visitors to your website are informational in nature, it’s of no use to you, now is it?

People may find their queries answered on your blog, and that’s it; they’ll simply leave afterwards. So, you see – the intent behind the keywords is of utmost importance – to make the posts more useful to your visitors, and further giving them a reason to convert.

In Conclusion…

For any SEO services company to help you carve the best content, it has to aim for content that is creative and data-driven at the same time. That’s the only way the use of Google Analytics to optimize content can help you achieve high-impact results.

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