business with google ads

Useful Google Ad Campaign Tips that actually work for your business


Google Ads are run to promote a business, be it products or services. With 2.5 million searches done every second, it’s no surprise that businesses will compete with each other on this platform. 

This is why business owners who understand its significance will hire a PPC Management Agency to promote their business. At Bonoboz, we run PPC campaign management services to ensure your business grows, receiving maximum traffic and increasing profit.

Do Google Ads really help in business promotions?

Google ads use a targeted approach that is more strategic than a chessboard game.

Google ads provide the means to target your ads through specific keywords, location, and various other demographics like age, language, region, country, day, time, frequency, and so on.

It also gives you a controlled spend based on your allotted budget for each PPC ad campaign. You can measure your success and greatly benefit from online advertising.

You can learn about how businesses grow using paid ad campaigns by understanding the benefits of running PPC campaigns.

Useful tips to run a Google Ad effectively

Running a Google Ad is easy, but making sure you are ‘Google-wise, Street-Smart’ about it will help you get an edge over other businesses. As a PPC Management Agency, we care for your business growth. This is why we’re offering a list of useful tips to run a Google ad effectively.

1. Integrate your data and platform with Google in real-time

Many companies running Google ads face the challenge of syncing their data with the platform. The CRM and Google Ads are two different entities and to ensure ad operations run smoothly, manually syncing them is necessary.

So, make sure that you streamline your operations with real-time integrations between Google ads and your system. This way, you can track your ad’s performance in real-time and modify strategies accordingly. All bills and receipts will get forwarded to your system instantly. In the process, you can track your ad spend and ensure the ad runs within budget.

2. Run Google Ads based on your business goals

For most businesses, this goes without saying, and yet many owners leave out the SMART goals they’ve set in place. SMART, as you may know, stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

For instance, if you want to make sure that 100 times more users visit your website, run PPC ads with helpful information. These ads should encourage your users to visit your website for more information. Make sure your approach is doable and specifically targets the right audience.

3. Present your business to be relevant

Primarily, you are running a PPC ad to drive traffic to a specific page, so users can take action.

So, you must make sure that your webpage where you want users to come has relevant information and is optimized. Suppose, you want people to buy your product, will they buy it because you led them directly to a page that says – buy? Instead, you will create a landing page that provides insights and relevant information about the product, and how it solves the customer’s real problems.

Use the A/B Testing approach to ensure you choose everything correctly, from the color scheme to the header and content flow, CTA buttons, etc.

4. Choose Lonnnnggg keywords over short keywords

Suppose a business owner sells chocolate bars with five different flavors. Using long-tail keywords will prove much more profitable compared to using short-tail keywords. So, the ad will provide better results if the keyword added maybe something like – smooth affordable nutty chocolate bars, chocolate bars for kids, plain dark chocolate bars, and so on. 

If you simply use a short keyword like ‘Chocolate Bar’, you are running the risk of increasing ad spending and also not getting relevant customers. Anyone could be looking for chocolate bars, including a pastry chef. But you must use long-tail keywords depending on the audience you wish to target.

5. Negative keywords will express what your brand is not

Want to get even more specific about whom you want to target? Then talk about whom you don’t want to target. Google Ads has the option of inserting a negative keyword list that explains what your brand, products and services are not.

For example, if a seller sells ‘hand-crafted books’ then he or she will make sure to insert negative keywords like ‘manufactured books’. Adding this negative keyword to the list will prevent your results from showing in searches where users type manufactured books.

6. Automate your ad campaign

The thing with Google Ads is that once they start, they only stop once the budget is spent. This means that your ad is running 24×7, but can you or your team keep up day and night? So, unless you’re high on 50 cups of coffee or more per day, you need to automate your ad operations.

You can use certain automation tools like Responsive Research Ads or Smart Bidding to make bids on your behalf. These tools use AI and machine learning to bid on behalf of your brand. 

You will still need an expert to integrate these automated tools and make sure they run efficiently. We can get our best team to deliver PPC campaign management services that include automating your Google ads for you.

7. Target only specific demographics, markets and keywords

Here’s the thing with too many cooks, they spoil the broth. So, do not add too many keywords or all regions. Research the regions that work best, where is your target audience, the long-tail keywords commonly used, and so on. 

Suppose you want to target corporate management of 60 years and above, and also young management professionals between 35-40 years. Use one Google ad to target either age bracket.

We are your reliable PPC Management agency that can help find this information and ensure that your Google ad runs with the best outcome.

8. Use ad extensions to get more sign-ups

The Google ads platform has a feature to add more extensions so you can increase the likelihood of customer engagement. For instance, if you want customers to sign-up for your newsletter that gives out offers and discounts. You can add extensions, including promotion codes, and other engaging features.

Another way is adding a contact number that encourages your audience to call you and enquire about services.

So, if you use these tips properly and with well-planned efforts, you can certainly benefit from running Google ads.

Run your Google ad in these simple and easy steps

So, you know what to do to make your Google ads shine through. Now, let’s conquer the process by understanding how to run a Google ad.

Step 1: Skip the customization and switch to expert mode

Go to and open an account. Set up the Smart Campaign mode or customize your campaign. So, instead of clicking and adding your inputs in “Main Advertising Goal” as Google asks, skip that and click on “Switch to Expert Mode”.

Step 2: Choose the type of campaign

Choose among the different campaign types:

  • Search 
  • Local
  • Display
  • Shopping
  • App
  • Discovery
  • Video
  • Performance Max

Remember that to pick a campaign type, Google will ask you about your objective. These objectives are enlisted as app promotion, website traffic, product and brand promotion, leads, etc. You will get campaign-type suggestions based on the objective you pick.

Step 3: Set up the campaign and schedule your ad

It’s time to begin customizing the settings, from the campaign name to choosing where you want your ads to show. After this, you can schedule your ad, specify the location and language, and create a guest list.

Step 4: Set a daily budget and pick your bid strategy

Set a budget that brings in leads but not too high a budget that brings in even the wrong leads. Don’t set a budget too low that you don’t get any leads, and the ones you get can’t afford your products or services. After this, you can pick your budget strategy, either manual or automated bidding.

Step 5: Add your keywords list, and insert the negative keywords

Make sure to add medium- and long-tail keywords. Also, remember to specify what your business is not about by adding your negative keyword list.

Step 6: Create your ad

It’s time to create your ad with headliners, descriptions, images, or videos, and so on. You can even add ad extension features. Target the specific devices you are willing to add more spending on like mobile devices or desktops, etc.

Seems like a lot to do? Reach out to us, your PPC Management agency, to run Google ads for your business.

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