Become a Lead Magnet with these 15 Social Media Posts for Businesses


Creating a following for a brand can either go really well or terribly wrong. It depends on the kinds of social media posts for businesses that are created to engage the target audience. If you’ve got the right social media strategy to implement creatively, you can gain a massive following. However, if you’ve just started out and wish to experiment on social media without a strategic structure in place, it won’t work. You are likely to gain followers but with less or no engagement entirely with a relevant audience.

For instance, skincare and beauty brand Mamaearth has a following of 1.3 million on Instagram, 8K+ followers on Twitter, 432K followers on Facebook, and 143K subscribers on YouTube due to its successful social media strategy. Similarly, the versatile camera brand, GoPro has a following of 20.6 million on Instagram, 2 million on Twitter, 10 million on Facebook, and 11 million subscribers on YouTube. They’re following a specific strategy and then executing that strategy in the form of different posts to make their channel or page a powerful lead magnet.

Several other brands have massive followings due to their creative and strategic social media plans. Once the strategy is decided and implemented, it’s time to create social media posts that engage the audience. In this post, we’ll take you through some of the most interactive and engaging social media posts for businesses.

Scale up brand growth with these 15 social media posts for businesses

While you and your team work to consistently post online, it’s important to also know about the different kinds of posts you can use. Social media is a platform where people want to engage and become socialites online. Brands can use this insight to their benefit by designing and creating a versatile set of social media posts.

Check out these 15 social media post ideas that you can pick and choose to create a massive brand following:

  • Visual storytelling through Infographics

It’s always easier to read an infographic compared to two bulky paragraphs. This is because these types of posts can save time for the audience when they need information quickly. Gaining quick information helps the audience come to a decision faster. This means that your brand could attract the right audience if they like what you have to share.

  • Podcast

Plug in a podcast on your social media channel for people to listen to while they travel. There are music lovers out there who love to listen to a good song, but there are even more who love a good podcast. A podcast eliminates the audience’s need to read a boring article. They can also pause and come back to the podcast whenever they need to, and this idea makes it one of the best social media posts for businesses.

  • Quotes posts

Sharing relevant quotes and observations that can make a difference to your audience goes a long way. For instance, putting up a quote that the audience feels encouraged to share with their friends on social media, even across different media platforms. For instance, if you put up a quote post on Instagram and a person reads and likes it, they are likely to copy the link of the post and share it in their WhatsApp groups. 

  • Testimonial posts

Testimonial posts work really well if they are presented creatively. These types of posts can engage your audience while also transitioning them through the customer funnel from awareness to consideration.

  • Topic-specific series post

Choose a particular topic related to your brand and run it on a weekly or monthly basis to engage with your audience. This is also one of the best ways to use social media posts for businesses that want to generate engagement. For instance, a fitness brand introduces a series of podcasts, videos, or blog posts to talk about effective workout challenges. Alternatively, a textile brand will post a series about a trendy fashion style and the different ways to make it work for you. Topic-specific series can attract a relevant audience that genuinely wishes to engage, and this is likely to create lead magnets for your brand.

  • Invitation posts

What does your brand sell or what does your brand advocate? Let’s say, there’s a poetry brand that sells poetry books and published poems online of people from different backgrounds. Creating invitation posts can turn a virtual follower into a real follower. An invitation post is a post where you invite your followers to join in on a conversation or conference. So again, if we take the poetry brand as an example, they are likely to invite their audience to discuss all things poetry. This can include topics like writing challenges in poetry, types of poetry, or discussing a famous poet like Edgar Allan Poe. Creating such monthly events can go a long way in establishing your brand as engaging and a thought leader on a specific topic.

  • Post curated content

If, as a brand, you find content like blogs, videos, or features that relate to your industry, share it. This is what a curated post is all about where you share the post while giving your brand’s perspective on it as well.

  • Statistics

There most surely will be a statistic related to your industry, specific to your brand. Let’s say there is a figure that points out the ratio of an important fact. Use it to your brand’s advantage to engage with your audience. For instance, a healthcare brand published a post that 72% of patients reported that getting a good night’s sleep consistently for a month improved their health. Then add this post to a caption that encourages the audience to consider the product the brand is selling for improving sleep patterns. This is the power of a statistics post.

  • Pictures

Use vibrant photos or high-resolution images to convey a strong message. Social media doesn’t give much priority to a text unless it is clubbed with an amazing image or photo. A well-clicked photo or high-resolution stock image has the ability to capture attention. Once attention is grabbed, the audience will most likely look for the caption or image text that conveys a message.

  • Poll questions

A poll question is engaging and interactive for the audience to take part. If the poll is interesting and relatable, people will have a lot to say about it, which means that they will answer your poll. If they have more to say then they will also post a comment. People love to give feedback, which is a great idea for your brand to gain product reviews through poll posts.

  • Emojis that set the right mood

The audience loves the use of a good emoji. Picture your post with and without an emoji. The latter is likely to get more views as your post can present a fun and vibrant mood. You can add emojis to fun posts or posts where you want to elicit an interaction.

  •  Post a celebration

When you post a celebratory event, it boosts the profile of your brand. For instance, if your brand reaches 10K+ followers, post about it. This celebration post will convey the fact that your brand is being considered and favored by other people. Your brand must be doing something right to gain these followers in a short amount of time. This is an idea that the audience gets, encouraging them to follow you too.

  •  Freebie giveaways

Who doesn’t love a freebie? Create posts about free giveaways and allow your audience to interact with the brand. Of course, this post requires a strategic execution as you don’t want to give your audience the habit of expecting too many free giveaways. The goal should be to generate product and brand awareness.

  •  Contest posts

A good contest can get your audience to feel the thrill of a challenge. Especially, if the prize is something they would love to win. For instance, a food and beverage brand can encourage the audience to share a recipe. The winner gets their recipe named after them; how cool is that? To get your recipe eternalized in your name is a contest you would love to participate in, right? So, would the rest of the followers of that brand’s social media page.

  •  GIFs

GIFs are still used today as they’ve been around for a long time. An engaging, catchy GIF can be used to make a popular catchphrase, portray a funny moment, or display a famous person with a powerful message.

Your brand deserves a massive following. We hope these social media posts for businesses will turn your audience into fans. Get in touch with us if you want to create a robust social media strategy and execute the right social media postings.


  • Why should we post different types of posts and not just one type?

Different types of posts will ensure that you increase your audience pool. This is because one type of audience may like a podcast post, but another category of your audience may like a GIF or meme post. This also depends from one brand to another. Some brands benefit from posting different kinds of posts, which conveys their versatility. While some other brands post simply two or three different kinds of posts, it is enough to increase their following.

  • Is it enough to just start publishing social media posts?

No, you need a proper well-planned social media strategy before posting on your pages.

  • How will I know which are the best social media posts for my business?

The best social media posts for businesses depend on experimenting with the posts. If a blog and poll post works for you then use it until you can find more types of engaging posts to make.

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