
Six Real Reasons why a Website’s Vital Elements are so Important

  • Loading
  • Interactivity
  • Visual  Stability
  • Mobile Experience
  • Intrusive Interstitials

The above checklist enlists the six Core Web Vitals. Any website design company will use this list as their checkpoint while developing and designing websites. If your website developer and designer have not considered these lifeline parameters,  your website is in for some ranking trouble. 

“Core Web Vitals are website elements that influence a user’s experience.”

Let’s get into what you need to know about Core Web Vitals.

Why a website’s vital elements are so important

Google is in a constant motion of algorithm updates as it always aims to circulate the best content around the web. The year 2020 saw a significant algorithm change among other major updates. This update called the Core Web Vitals was created with the sole objective to enhance the user’s experience. Like any parameter, these vitals are measured by specific units. In this blog post, we will explore these elements to discover their importance for a user’s experience.

1. Loading Time

Any website design company will be aware of a website’s loading speed and why it needs due attention. SEO ranking officials and website developers are familiar with a user’s page-skipping behaviour. Any web page that takes a long time to load will drive away a user. Therefore, loading requires a core web vital to measure its speed from time to time.

This Core Web Vital is called the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). It represents the time taken for a website to load elements such as graphics and text. Like any unit measurement, the LCP has a range. 2.5 seconds or less is defined as good website loading time, while 2.5 to 4 seconds needs fixing.

2. Interactivity

When you click on a website function like an enquiry form or a download button, what do you expect? That the function should be processed in no time and without any delays. This interactivity measurement uses the First Input Delay (FID) unit.

FID is measured for when a user first interacts with a designated function until the interaction gets processed. Under 100 milliseconds is considered good FID, while 100-300 milliseconds requires interactivity improvement. Beyond 300 milliseconds is categorised as a website with poor FID. One of the reasons for a poor FID is the use of JavaScript.

3. Visual Stability

A website has different layouts based on its theme, purpose of communication, and structure. For instance, a part of the website takes a long time to appear instead of the rest. That indicates some website visual instability. The user has to navigate through the web page until the page is wholly visible.

The unit measurement that evaluates a website layout’s stability is called Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). A measure of 0.1 is considered good; 0.1-0.25 calls for improvement, while 0.25 and above is poor CLS. A poor CLS can be attributed to uploading images that do not have predefined dimensions.

The next three Core Web Vitals are more like search signals for page experience. The page experience determines how a user perceives their interaction with the website.

4. Mobile Experience

Your users are browsing through their mobile devices more than on the desktop. If the website is not mobile and desktop friendly, website engagement and ranking will remain low and continue to drop.


The ‘S’ in HTTPS ensures that the user’s information is safe on your website and that a breach is unlikely. HTTPS assures users and search engines that the data is secure during engagement with the website.

6. Intrusive Interstitials

Pop-ups on a web page are nothing but annoying, especially when they appear repeatedly. When a user’s attention is disrupted from their main purpose of a website visit, it negatively affects their experience.

Page experience versus great content – which overrides the other?

As a leading web development company in India, we value the user’s experience. That is why when our clients approach us, we want to make sure that we serve their target audience. The best services in web development India can offer are via digital solutions companies that ensure quality content and page experience.

However, having an excellent page experience can only go so far. Relevant content plays a crucial role. Without proper communication that aligns with the user’s objective, a website design cannot stand out. On the other hand, a multiple-page website with similar content requires a great emphasis on the page experience.

Search engines like Google have to decide between websites with great content and Core Web Vitals. So, the page experience becomes a deciding point between the two websites. The more robust page experience wins the race in higher rankings.

The creative team often gets sidelined when it comes to creating a smooth page experience. It is important to note that great content will outrank page experience, be it text or design. Therefore, optimising a page’s experience is necessary, while content should stand at the forefront of all amazing websites.


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